Holiday Stress and Anxiety

How to Help Holiday Stress

Are you feeling stressed this holiday season? 

For many people, the holiday season comes with anticipation of creating and upholding meaningful traditions and often brings stress and anxiety. How can you simplify?

How can you manage your stress? How can you take better care of yourself and your family this holiday season? 

Ideas for managing stress

  1. Give yourself the gift of grace
  2. Remind yourself it’s ok to balance saying “yes” and “no”
  3. Create mindful moments
  4. Connect meaningfully with others
  5. If you’re in therapy, stay in therapy
  6. Be in nature
  7. Honor loved ones who have passed on

Giving yourself grace creates space for you to be self-compassionate during this special season.

Saying “yes” to what is most meaningful may mean saying “no” to some activities to honor what is most important.

Mindful moments to slow down and focus on your breath help regulate your nervous system.

Connecting helps us strengthen our relationships and manage stressors.

Therapy is time set aside for you to care for your mental health. 

Nature therapy has unique grounding and healing qualities. 

Find meaningful ways to honor loved ones such as, gathering, sharing and preserving memories.

Take good care of you this special season and always!

For more information see American Psychiatric Organization.