Infidelity & Betrayal Trauma Therapy

We are a local group of Betrayal Trauma Therapists in Chandler, AZ & Pleasant Grove, UT offering Infidelity therapy and Betrayal Trauma Counseling for our community.

Call Us: (801) 785-8885 Get a Free Evaluation
Infidelity therapy from Solace Emotional Health

What is Betrayal Trauma?

Trauma is defined as an experience that causes psychological injury or pain. Depending on the severity of the trauma; physical effects, like panic attacks or severe anxiety, may occur. When a person turns to something or someone other than their spouse for intimate connection, their spouse may experience trauma that mirrors the symptoms of PTSD. This is often referred to as Betrayal Trauma.

get more info Call: (801) 785-8885

We Can Help

Our Betrayal Trauma Therapists will help you to:


Feel peace in the middle of chaos


Understand and Set Personal Boundaries


Learn Self-Compassion


Forgive Injuries


Resolve Emotional Issues


Find Hope That Lasts

Free Resources for Recovery Support

Infidelity & Betrayal Trauma Test

Take the TIPSA to see where your fall, and how to get help.

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